Bay With Ocean Liner

If you’ve been paying attention you know I love landscapes. In this one I created a cruise ship.

LOL Not really, it just appeared that way. I really like the juxtaposition of straight lines to the more rounded and softer shapes. It is a beautiful landscape with  inlet.Sorry, you can’t have this painting. I’m keeping it.I know the painting is good because I want to keep it!

It was strange when I first began paintimg. I had discovered the Fresh Paint app and was excited to try it. I did and for a while I could not stop. I was averaging ten paintings every night.  And they weren’t all junk! So I painted like a madman, which as it turns out, I was.

I was in a manic phase of my bi-polar disorder. Usually I am so down all the time that it was a breath  fresh air to want to paint. I actively painted for two years. Then the manicness disipated. I now paint with a different app. Which is why I don’t paint as much.

I do paint frequently and I am pleased with some of them. Quite a different look because of the app. But pleasing never the less. I sincerely hope you like this painting “Purple Landscape With Cruise Ship”.

Created with Microsoft Fresh Paint