Rusty To The Rescue

“Hope that woman is alright. I didn’t have time to stay,” thought Rusty, “that scum deserved what they got.””Gotta get to Eddies,” said Rusty aloud. He walked into Eddies bar just as John walked in. “How have you been John?” asked Rusty, “you called?” ” Hey Rusty, longtime no see.” answered John, “there’s a situation […]

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The Sun Came Up Today II

John and Penny were looking forward to their “picnic”. Stanley and Eric were excited to tell Grandma Imelda about their meeting and the upcoming get together at the hot pond. The day arrived, dark and chilly as usual. The hot pond loomed large in their minds. Both groups were anticipating an enjoyable day. As they […]

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Mr. Green is Marky

I’m back. Its been awhile. Lost my voice. I don’t know what happened, one day I just didn’t have anything to say or write. Its been a long time since I wrote a story or even the blog. But I’m here now ready to write, something. I built a house in a subdivision called Ainaloa, […]

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Rusty Goes Home

They always went for the red hair. He didn’t know why, they just did, “perverted fucking scum”, the young red head thought. His name was Rusty. He didn’t know if that was his real name, he had just been called that as long as he could remember. He had been in numerous foster-care homes and […]

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San Francisco Fish Fry

My dad brought me here to fish when I was a boy. I had been fishing here everyday for twenty years. So that makes me forty something. I have dark brown hair that hasn’t gone gray yet. My dad used to say, “within six months of marrying your mother I went gray”. I never knew […]

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The Sun Came Up Today

The sun didn’t come up today. Thirty minutes after the supposed sunrise, it hadn’t. It was getting cold already. Less than an hour later it was cold like winter. I lived in Hawaii, it wasn’t supposed to be cold. But it was and I was scared. Supplies, I needed supplies. Water, food, blankets and flashlights. […]

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The Merging Man

Who is that person? Or what is that person? Is it a person? I don’t know? Is it me? Who is me? What is me? That is a mirror. That is a reflection. Of me? “That’s what I told myself last year when I first woke up”, I told the young journalist from middle school. […]

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Mysteries of Mtzlplk

He came here as a human. Twenty years ago he arrived on this planet. He just wanted a place to live that was safe from the dreaded Mtzlplk. He couldn’t even think about it. It was so scary, his cheeks turned bright purple. That was a dead giveaway he wasn’t human, close enough, but not […]

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Rusty Gets Political

Rusty didn’t like killing. It was something that had to be done. “You motherfucker. Think you’re so bad. I’m gonna fuck you up, you self-righteous piece of shit”, said the burly young man with the scruffy beard. He was talking to Rusty, who had just about enough of this smart-talking asshole. “Stop your shit now […]

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